Lost In Mind

The Animation Lost in Mind aims to respond to the challenge by exploring and building a relationship between the experience of c-PTSD and motion animation.

While emotions are largely portraited in animation and motion graphic industry, designers and animators have been heavily focusing on visualizing energetic, delightful and ‘positive’ feelings. Meanwhile, the representations of mental health concepts and experience such as Complex post-traumatic stress disorder, are far less understood or portraited due to its complexity and abstraction. In addition, the concepts and experience of PTSD are unfortunately still being seen as a social taboo across many countries and regions around the world.

By using 3D animation, Lost in Mind focuses on visualizing the experience of flashbacks, one of the most challenging symptoms experienced by people with c-PTSD. The animation aims to lead the audience through a journey through desolate, ominous landscapes and ever-shifting sceneries in the depth of mind, using various visual metaphors to communicate and describes the feeling of powerlessness, the losing sense of self, the senseless of time and the struggle of navigating between mixed realities.

The Animation, ‘Lost in Mind’, has been awarded ‘Achievement in VFX' by School of Design, RMIT University and was screened at The 2022 RMIT MAGI EXPO on Nov 11th, 2022 at RMIT University.

This project has also been extended into a practice-based research in Master of Animation, Games & Interactivity, RMIT University:

Title: ‘Visualizing Complex PTSD: The Use of Metaphoric and Scenery Animation in Representing PTSD Symptoms and Experiences’.

For more information about the research, please feel free to visit the links below:

Final Exegesis

Video Essay and Extended animation

Research Support Page: Animated Journeys - Sharing PTSD Experiences and Stories


The Ocean Symphony
