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Real-life Experience

Please note that all names, initials and personal information have been altered to protect the privacy and confidentiality of the individuals sharing their stories. It is important to respect their anonymity and honor their courage as well as honesty in opening up about their experiences.

I never anticipated that a single event could change my life so drastically. A car accident left me physically injured and emotionally shattered. The flashbacks haunted my nights, and anxiety gripped my every waking moment. It was as if I was reliving the accident over and over again.

With time, therapy, and the unwavering support of my loved ones, I started my journey of healing. It wasn't easy, but I discovered resilience within myself that I never knew existed. Through therapy sessions, meditation, and connecting with fellow survivors, I gradually reclaimed my life.

— V, 2023

I realised that a lot of achievement I have done in my life was taken for such granted, that they are not celebrated at all. It makes me so sad that my family wants to much from me, yet they never see me as who I am, but rather a medal they can show off.

— N,2023

You know the feeling of something is not right, but you can’t tell what it is? The feeling has stuck me ever since the incident. Relaxing becomes a luxury.

— N, 2023

It feels like no one can really relate to my experiences, not friends, and definitely not families. Sometimes I wonder whether it is possible to open up with such depth of layers in trauma.

— O, 2023

Sometimes I wonder who I could be, without having to live through all those years.

— L, 2023

I feel like I have missed out so much in life.

— M, 2023

I am tired, tired of battling with those ridicious, inhumane policy, but it won't stop, and it would still mess up with my life, and I can't do anything, I can't promise myself a safe future, I can't promise my partner a future where we would be together 100%, and that has nothing to do with our love, I can’t even have a career safe enough, I would be worried about whether my fucking future would be destoried every single day on eggshell even when I work.

— A, 2021

When I stuck in that place, physically or mentally, it felt like days and nights had bled into each other.

— M,2022

I wish I don't have to struggle anymore about not having a safe environment to navigate my life under so much stress. I could barely function and I often dream a lot about the things I can do without such stress, how my life would be, and how happy I can become, or even none of it, just to have a peaceful life.

— C,2022

Navigating relationships became a minefield. I feel like I could never trust anyone anymore.

— C,2022


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